Examples and Range of Productions

3-D Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals
AI Flyp Academy
Commercial COI
Corporate Identity London Air Traffic Control Centre
Documentary Channel 4 Dispatches
Drama Esmeralda*
Educational Nikomed Ltd.
Health & Safety UK Paper Plc.
Interactive Royal Mail
Internal Communications B&Q
Live Event BBC
Medical Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Online Learning Udemy
Product Launch Tupperware
Programme Trailer A&E Networks
Promotional Hoverspeed
Publicity Aid for Aid
Sell Through Video HMSO
Software WordPress Security Clampdown
Training London Borough of Camden
Travel Ocean Cruise Lines
Video Streaming  Photoshop Master
Website Launch Amoke Foundation
And more…

* The feature film screenplay for ESMERALDA received an Honourable Mention at the Telluride Independent Film Screenwriters’ Festival.

See my showreels here.
Read some script and screenplay examples here.

Over the years I’ve worked on productions for companies large and small, charities, local and national government agencies and more, including:

A&E Networds Air UK American Express Amoke Foundation
B&Q BAA BBC Boehringer Ingleheim
British Airways Camden Council Canon

Cardiff Bay Development Corp. Channel 4

Central Office of Information Foote Cone & Belding Ferring Pharmaceuticals Gatwick Airport
Gillingham Marina Health Education Authority Hoverspeed International Planned Parenthood Federation

ITV Anglia Kent County Council
Kraft Lambeth Council Littlewoods
London Stansted Airport Lundbeck Pharma Napp Laboratories NHS
National Air Traffic Services

Nikomed O2

Pepsico Philip Morris International
Royal Mail Shell St Mark's Hospital Stansted Express
Tupperware Udemy Wyeth Laboratories YouTube